New Treatments – PRP

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

What is PRP?

PRP is a quick, safe, effective and reliable treatment for a range of conditions. There is good evidence for its use in:

◦ hair loss

◦ skin rejuvenation, scars including acne scarring, stretch marks, wounds

◦ joint conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis

It is a 100% natural procedure with no use of any foreign material or animal products. It is the injection of your own plasma (from your blood). We separate the plasma from your blood using a centrifuge. It has up to four times the concentration of the normal platelet level. Platelets are commonly known to help with blood clotting to limit bleeding but they also transport a group of proteins, called growth factors. Growth factors help cells within the body to repair damage and regenerate. By using plasma enriched with platelets, it stimulates stem cells to assist in collagen production , hyaluronic acid synthesis, formation of new blood vessels, tissue regeneration and hair regrowth.

There is virtually no downtime. It can be used as as alternative for those who want to avoid pharmaceutical products or who would like to use in in addition to other treatments.

In summary, PRP therapy amplifies and accelerates the body’s natural healing process.


This is a thirty minute procedure. The doctor takes 15ml of blood from your arm into a sterile syringe in the exact same manner as a standard blood sample. This is then placed in a centrifuge for 5 minutes. This is like a small medical version of a spin-dryer. This separates 6ml of highly concentrated platelet enriched plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma is then injected just beneath the skin/scalp in precise quantities and depth using a needle or cannula (blunt needle) in and around the desired areas.

Side effects?

Having been used for years in orthopaedic and dental medicine, there hasn’t been any safety concerns or significant side effects of PRP.

You may experience some swelling and bruising at the site of the injection which will resolve within a three days.

The needles and cannulas we use are very fine. Some patients have mild discomfort during and after the procedure but most do not report pain. We can apply anaesthetic cream prior to make it as comfortable as possible.

Risk of allergy is extremely rare because the injections use your own blood.

Any Contraindications?

Please inform us if you are on anticoagulant therapy (Warfarin, NOACs), taking a Beta Blocker, have an active infection or scalp condition or are pregnant.

How many treatments and how often is therapy needed?

Responses to treatment vary. We will determine your treatment protocol according to your skin/scalp needs.

Most people will require 1-3 sessions for the face and 3-6 for the scalp. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have.

To maintain the benefits, we recommend repeating a single treatment session every 6-12 months.

We advise to wait two weeks (either two weeks before or two weeks after) anti-wrinkle treatment or injection of filler.

How much does it cost?

The price reflects the quality of the process, using the industry’s leading device to process the blood sample safely and with a sound scientific basis. We feel that cheaper alternatives are unable to achieve the correct effective concentration of platelets in order to maximise the chances of treatment success.


1st treatment £300

Course of 3 treatments £810 (10% off)


1st treatment £300

Course of 3 treatments £810 (10% off)

Course of 6 treatments £1530 (15% off)

Skin Rejuvenation / Face

PRP involves injecting plasma extracted from your own blood into the skin. Whilst it won’t give you the same volume that fillers provides, it will improve:

• skin tone and texture – plump up the skin’s surface to become tighter, smoother and making it appear well hydrated, healthy and more youthful.

• fine lines – visibly softens wrinkles and give the skin a natural glow.

• pigmentation and sun damage

• sagging skin around your eyes, mouth and neck

• general rejuvenation and regeneration

• puffiness and soften dark circles below your eyes

• scars including acne scarring

Most PRP studies report the best results after 3 treatments then once yearly.

Hair loss

It is normal to lose hair but it can be distressing as for many people their hair is an important part of who they are. There are a number of factors which affect when and how much hair we lose. These include age, genetics, stress levels and other factors. You can find out more at the NHS website.

PRP therapy for alopecia is gaining attention around the world for this common but troubling problem. It is clinically proven to increase hair growth, the total hair count, the thickness of the hair and prevent further loss.

It involves injecting your own platelet-rich plasma into your scalp, which naturally encourages the growth factors from your blood to stimulate the hair follicles and promote new hair growth to increase the growth phase of hair cycles.

A treatment course of at least 3-6 sessions on monthly basis is recommend. Followed up with twice yearly sessions for maintenance.


  • Androgenetic Alopecia – AKA Male pattern hair loss or Female pattern hair loss (FPHL). This will affect nearly all men at some point in their lives but is most common in men in their middle age. Diffuse thinning and balding due to a combination of male hormones and genetics. Typically characterised by a receding hairline and hair loss on the top and front of the head. FPHL is generally less severe than mens but can occur in 40% women aged less than 50. It is also caused by male or female hormones that causes hair follicles to enter persistent hair shedding. It results in widespread thinning hair on the the top of the head, as well as a widening part line.
  • Alopecia Areata – an autoimmune condition affecting hair follicles which causes hair loss typically with discrete bald patches on the scalp in males or females.
  • Telogen Effluvium – acute or chronic diffuse hair loss of up to 50% scalp hair following a sudden shock to the system e.g. stress or physical illness.
  • Menopausal women – It can help women get their confidence back who may have a subtle but diffuse overall hair thinning women or those with large clumps that fall out from brushing or showering.
  • Hair transplant and restoration- It can be used as a stand-alone therapy or an adjunct to hair transplantation pre, peri or post treatment. Some patients may not have enough thinning to be a candidate for hair transplantation or cannot tolerate other medical treatments such as Finasteride or Minoxidil, or who wish to use them in combination for added benefit